13 September 2006

CU adjusted to higher level of activity

There is presently just too much material to be gathered up in the available time. The Communist University distribution is done by a routine and a formula but at this level of activity the routine does not work. The best that can be done today is to make a list (in no particular order, and numbered for convenience only) of matters large and small that might otherwise have been archived and communicated. Here it is: 1. ANC succession dogfight taking an ideological edge, Karima Brown, Business Day 2. SACP on the passing of Hilda Bernstein 3. ANC Statement on death of Hilda Bernstein 4. Financial Sector Campaign Coalition (Chairperson B Nzimande) on Credit Amnesty 5. The State of COSATU, 93-page report by NALEDI 6. Media conference on The State of COSATU report, 10h00, COSATU House, 14 September 2006 7. Media Statement on the launch of the Free the Cuban Five Campaign 8. Battered Maid’s Sponsor Apologetic of Wife’s Behavior, story from Jeddah, Saudi Arabia 9. COSATU support for Zimbabwe Congress of Trade Unions in mass protests today 10. Invitation to SACP diplomatic briefing on SACP discussion document, 10h00 HSRC Pretoria 15 September 2006 11. Speech of ANC Deputy President Jacob Zuma at the SATAWU 2nd National Congress, Boksburg 12. Statement on the Launch of the ‘Free the Cuban Five’ Campaign and related documents 13. A large number of documents relating to Swaziland including from Southern Africa Contact (Denmark), Swaziland Solidarity Network (Canada) and PUDEMO here in South Africa 14. International support for striking cleaners organised by SATAWU from SEIU 15. 1.2 million cluster bomblets; phosphorus bombs dropped on Lebanon, Helena Cobban 16. 237,000 artillery shells fired on Lebanon, Helena Cobban 17. They Never Crushed His Spirit: A Tribute to Richard Williams, book announcement sent by reader. 18. Venezuela's Chavez orders expropriation of sugar mill under socialist reform, International Herald Tribune Concerning other information received: Sometimes information is given carelessly to the Communist University and is then passed on to you in good faith. We are severely embarrassed when such an announcement proves to be incorrect. One such was the announcement of the SACP Gauteng Provincial Council meeting that was supposed to take place this coming Sunday, but which we are now informed will not take place. This is a very great pity. Uncertainty about the times of meetings at the Provincial level has been a burden on the SACP Gauteng Province for many years. It seems that those who would now wish to revive the province do not have this aspect in mind. They are as casual and as lazy as ever, and like the leadership for the past several years at Provincial level in Gauteng, as we have noted before, they don’t use E-mail. What does organisation mean, if not this? How can we say we are organised, if there is no certainty about constitutional meetings?


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