30 April 2006

Sharpen the Contradictions

The Communist University is a living proof of Paulo Freire’s “Pedagogy of the Oppressed” and the Critical Pedagogy writers we follow. When people read these writers, they are usually convinced - but often carry on just as before. Only in the face-to-face sessions can you plainly see the truth of the matter, which is that education does not “correct” or standardise peoples’ views. On the contrary, there will be more, not less to talk about after education than before. Yet there are always people who still strive to eliminate all rival views, and they love do it in the name of stamping out Stalinism! Raymond Suttner is one such half-baked Freirean. He claims his right to criticise the Party in the Business Day as a moral right, and who would deny it to him? Yet when he does publish his anti-Party rant, he does not want anybody to criticise it. And he is completely unaware of his double standard! His criticism of SACP GS Blade Nzimande’s article in the Business Day must not itself be criticised! Suttner writes of “cultivating critical thinkers”, but has never been near the Communist University until yesterday’s e-mail, in the three years of its existence within his own SACP branch. Is anybody out there ready to throw away the CU in favour of Suttner’s fine intentions? I don’t think so. Suttner “challenges” the whole world to question his party membership, like a drunk man trying to start a fight. Yet he knows even now that if he comes to the branch or to the Communist University he will be given work to do. He does not come. He hides instead. The reality of his Party membership is what he has made it, i.e. hollow. Suttner’s new letter (linked below) to the CU is published here in full. You can be sure that Suttner still believes the Communist University is “tendentious”, while he is “moral”. Nevertheless the Communist University is glad to have and to archive a second Suttner letter, just as it was glad to do with Cheche Selepe’s letter in between, because we are convinced that social learning only happens in dialogue, however sharp the dialogue may be. We know that Cheche does not want to accept a guilty verdict on Jacob Zuma. Suttner, on the other hand, tries to imply some doubt as to whether he would reject Zuma’s acquittal or not. Is it really tendentious to point out that Suttner and his pals are preparing an offensive even if there is an acquittal? What else can the last paragraph of Suttner’s Business Day letter mean? It says: “Many feel deeply disappointed at this failure of the SACP and hope that some form of renewal can be undergone in order to re-establish it as an exemplary ethical force.” “Many” when used in this fashion is a nasty weasel word. It pretends to be something it is not. In this case it stands for half a dozen characters whose sectarian ambitions within the Party have long been frustrated, like Suttner’s. They are clutching at straws. Of course Suttner’s demarche can only mean that these few will continue to try to assail the Party with the Zuma case even after the verdict. The Communist University offers no comfort for sectarians of any kind. It is called a university because it is not a seminary or a monastery. We leave dogma, catechism, inquisitions and anathemas for others. The SACP’s May Day message is linked below, followed by COSATU’s May Day message. The ANC President’s omnibus message about Freedom Day, other anniversaries, May Day, New Patriotism, anarchy, and Strini Moodley is here. COSATU’s and SATAWU’s statements on the security guards’ dispute are combined below in one linked document. Fausto Bertinotti, national secretary of Italy's Refounded Communist party (Rifondazione Comunista), was elected speaker of Italy's Chamber of Deputies on Saturday. Viva! Click on these links: Letter from Raymond Suttner to Communist University (387 words) SACP May Day Message 2006 (1696 words) COSATU 2006 May Day Message (4152 words) Incidents at Durban DoL office and SATAWU Court order (465 words)


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